Enrollment at Freie Universität Berlin (FU), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU) and Technische Universität Berlin (TU)

Phase I

All BMS Phase I students enroll as master students in Mathematics at FU, HU or TU for the winter semester. The winter semester starts on 1 October every year.
The enrollment deadlines vary between the universities. Usually, the FU and HU have earlier deadlines (e.g. 30 September) than the TU (e.g. 31 October).
Which university you enroll at is determined by the choice of your Phase I advisor in May/ June.
All Phase I students receive information on how to enroll in July/ August. BMS students do not need to separately apply to one of the universities. The BMS is in contact with the Admissions offices at FU, HU and TU and sends them a list of the new Phase I students in August. The BMS will also make sure that you receive all up to date information in time. The BMS Liaison Officers may help you with filling out the online registration or paper forms for the enrollment.

The enrollment processes at FU, HU and TU differ quite a bit, however, all of them require the same information at the core:

  • personal details incl. your new address in Berlin
  • proof of payment of the semester fees
  • Bachelor’s degree certificate and transcript (if the degree certificate is not issued in time, the student may be allowed to enroll on the condition that they submit the certificate by a certain deadline) The degree certificate and transcript must be in English or German. If it is not, an official translation must be submitted with it. The university will keep a certified copy of your certificate and transcripts. If you present your originals to the BMS, they may take a copy and certify it for the purpose of enrollment.
  • other university transcripts (if applicable)
  • study visa/ residence permit for non-EU students

Phase II

The enrollment process for Phase II students is usually the same for all PhD students regardless of their affiliation with the BMS.
There is no deadline for enrollment as a PhD student at FU, HU or TU.
All PhD students must first declare their intent to do a PhD/ be admitted to the doctoral procedure at the relevant faculty:

After they have received the acceptance letter of the dean of the faculty, they may enroll.

Re-registering for the next semester

In the middle of each semester you will receive an email from the university asking you to re-register (Rückmeldung) for the next semester. This only means that you need to pay the semester fees by the given deadline which is usually the end of the lecture period (Vorlesungszeit).
Sometimes you also have to provide the Admissions Office with certain documents such as a new scholarship contract or a new degree certificate. This will be mentioned in the email informing of the re-registration or in your personal university portal/ account.
The BMS sends out an email to all students reminding them about the re-registration in February and June.

50€ reduction for scholarship recipients

Students who receive a scholarship paid from German Government funds (such as BMS, DFG, DAAD, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) and who do not have the German nationality are exempt from paying the 50€ administration fee which is included in the university semester fees. They will need to submit a copy of their scholarship contract as proof to the Admissions Office.

§2, paragraph 7 Berliner Hochschulgesetz:

Gesetz über die Hochschulen im Land Berlin (Berliner Hochschulgesetz - BerlHG) in der Fassung vom 26. Juli 2011
§ 2 Rechtsstellung
(7) Die Hochschulen können Gebühren für die Benutzung ihrer Einrichtungen und für Verwaltungsleistungen erheben. Anlässlich der Immatrikulation und jeder Rückmeldung erheben die Hochschulen Verwaltungsgebühren in Höhe von 50 Euro je Semester für Verwaltungsleistungen, die sie für die Studierenden im Rahmen der Durchführung des Studiums außerhalb der fachlichen Betreuung erbringen. Hierzu zählen Verwaltungsleistungen für die Immatrikulation, Rückmeldung, Beurlaubung und Exmatrikulation. Außerdem zählen hierzu Verwaltungsleistungen, die im Rahmen der allgemeinen Studienberatung sowie durch die Akademischen Auslandsämter und die Prüfungsämter erbracht werden. Gebühren nach Satz 2 werden nicht erhoben in Fällen der Beurlaubung vom Studium zur Ableistung des Wehr- oder Zivildienstes, für Studenten und Studentinnen, die im Rahmen eines Austauschprogramms an der anderen Hochschule zur Gebührenleistung verpflichtet sind, soweit Gegenseitigkeit besteht, für ausländische Studierende, die auf Grund eines zwischenstaatlichen oder übernationalen Abkommens oder einer Hochschulpartnerschaft immatrikuliert sind oder werden, soweit Gegenseitigkeit besteht, sowie für ausländische Studierende im Rahmen von Förderungsprogrammen, die ausschließlich oder überwiegend aus öffentlichen Mitteln des Bundes oder der Länder finanziert werden.