The BMS offers a structured PhD program, taught in English (German proficiency is not necessary), consisting of core courses with a fixed curriculum, a broad spectrum of advanced courses, and many specialized events involving distinguished international visitors and guests.

The BMS PhD program is comprised of two phases.

Phase I (three to four semesters) is for students holding at least a bachelor's degree. This structured graduate course program is fully customizable depending on the student's interests and needs and is completed with an oral qualifying exam. Students are also offered an optional opportunity to complete a Master's degree. The study program for Phase I covers both a broad mathematical background and the specialization required for high-level research. The lecture schedule has been coordinated between the mathematic departments of the three universities to minimize students' travel times.

Phase II (six semesters) is dedicated to thesis research, typically within one of the focused training programs provided by Research Training Groups (RTGs) and International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRSs), or in research projects such as provided by the Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+, the SFB Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics, or one of the interdisciplinary projects. The BMS integrates mathematics RTGs and IMPRSs as certified units that provide the research environment and supervision for Phase II students.

On Fridays, the MATH+ Friday Colloquia series (or MATH+ Fridays for short) take place.

For a detailed description of the BMS program please visit our Program Information.