Becoming, being and staying a successful mathematics scientist requires more than excellent research. You need to be able to speak in front of a large audience in a lecture hall or at a conference, prepare posters and write applications for a research grant. Then you need to manage your research group and its projects including staff and advising PhD students. You must also be able to write up your research results compellingly. To help you along that long path the BMS offers seminars on key competencies with a special focus on the needs of graduate students.

All seminars are for BMS students only and usually take place at TU and last the whole day, i.e. about 8 hours. As a rule the number of participants is limited to 12


Please send an e-mail to the Diversity Manager in the One-Stop Office to register.
Please note: If you register for a seminar, you are expected to attend the course in full. 

What to do if you cannot attend the seminar?

If you are unable to attend a seminar you have booked, you must request withdrawal via e-mail to the Diversity Manager at least 14 days prior to the course. If you fail to do so, you will be excluded from the soft-skills course program for the following semester. Last-minute cancellations due to illness are only acceptable together with proof of a doctor's certificate. All seminars have a waiting list and it is only fair to give your fellow students the chance to participate if you cannot.

Do you have an idea for a new seminar?

Please feel free to come and talk to the One-Stop Office staff or to the Diversity Manager.